Tuesday 22 November 2011

Costa Coffee Turkey Feast £3.55 to eat in, £3.05 to take away

For someone who doesn't drink coffee I seem to spend a great deal of my time in coffee shops.  Costa Coffee is one of those coffee shops of choice for me.  Mainly because I have discovered that on trying and testing all the hot chocolates ever served up in such establishments, theirs is most definitely the best.  In addition to that, who doesn't like spending extra money to enjoy a nice slouchy sofa and a cup with a logo while using free wifi? (Yes, I am a capitalist through and through.  So sue me!)

So on to the sandwich in question.  Costa Coffee's Turkey Feast (oh how original is that name?  Yawn!)  Neatly lined up in military fashion on their low level open fronted refrigerator I am beginning to be able to instantly hone in on the conspicuous festive red cardboard.  This one is adorned with stars.  I quite like it to be fair. 

Upon opening the sandwich all I can smell is refrigerator.  Not the most pleasant aroma to ever grace my senses.  However, the sandwich looks generously packed with (100% British) turkey and sweet cured bacon.  Although there isn't much evidence of either the sage and onion stuffing or the cranberry sauce the packet is promising me.  It doesn't look bad and the description is certainly getting me excited.  I hope it tastes better than it smells.

A few bites later and I can barely taste a thing.  I may as well be chewing on wallpaper.  This sandwich is dazed and confused.  It is lost in some sort of flavourless vacuum where not even the abundance of turkey and bacon is saving it from baked good oblivion.  I suspect that a mouthful of my finger nails would be more satisfying than this sorry excuse of a sandwich.  The (malted brown) bread is dry and cardboardy.  The whole thing is beginning to irritate me (more so that I can hear the enduring "kerching" of £3.55 ringing in my ears - I stayed for the hot choc and the comfy sofa ya see!).

Finishing this sandwich was a chore.  The last bite leaves me feeling semi triumphant but mostly depressed.  I think I'm going to need another lunch.

I down my hot chocolate and make my exit pondering a more relevant choice of name for this sandwich.  Not "Turkey Feast" but most definitely "Turkey Fleeced"; a warning to all would be purchasers.  I am not Merry Costa'ed at all!  Wrong on so many levels.  Urgh!

Verdict: Not one of Costa's finest moments.  Stick to what you know best i.e. hot drinks and cosy upholstery.

Rating: 4 out of 10 (four points for the box on this occasion!)

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